When deploying Management server on Windows Server and IIS please do the following steps:

  1. Add the following registry entries:
    "MaxFieldLength"=dword:8000 (hex)
    "MaxRequestBytes"=dword:8000 (hex)
  2. Run IIS snap-in, go to Default Web Site\pam section
  3. Open Configuration Editor in Manage section
  4. Expand the dropdown list Section:, select system.webServer\security\requestFiltering
  5. Expand the requestLimits item, set maxQueryString to 8192
  6. Click Apply in the Actions section
  7. Go to Default Web Site\pam\core section
  8. Open Configuration Editor in Manage section
  9. Expand the dropdown list Section:, select system.webServer\serverRuntime
  10. Set uploadReadAheadSize to 1048576
  11. Click Apply in the Actions section
  12. Reboot the server.

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