When deploying Management server on Windows Server and IIS please do the following steps:
- Add the following registry entries:
"MaxFieldLength"=dword:8000 (hex)
"MaxRequestBytes"=dword:8000 (hex)
- Run IIS snap-in, go to Default Web Site\pam section
- Open Configuration Editor in Manage section
- Expand the dropdown list Section:, select system.webServer\security\requestFiltering
- Expand the requestLimits item, set maxQueryString to 8192
- Click Apply in the Actions section
- Go to Default Web Site\pam\core section
- Open Configuration Editor in Manage section
- Expand the dropdown list Section:, select system.webServer\serverRuntime
- Set uploadReadAheadSize to 1048576
- Click Apply in the Actions section
- Reboot the server.