eToken PRO Java 72K and IDPrime MD cards are not model-separated by default when added to Indeed Certificate Manager since they have the same ATR (Answer-to-Reset) for different models. ATR has specified in the eTokenProJava72K.xml and IDPrimeMD.xml configuration files. To separate cards by models and set initialization parameters for each model when adding to Indeed CM, do the following:
1. Open the eTokenProJava72K.xml and IDPrimeMD.xml configuration files from Indeed CM distribution (\Misc\CardTypes) in a text editor such as Notepad. 2. Uncomment the <models> section by removing the <!-- ... --> tag for each card types.
4. Add the edited eTokenProJava72K.xml and IDPrimeMD.xml files to the Configuration > Card types section (enable the Replace existing option if you used eToken PRO Java 72K and IDPrime MD cards in Indeed CM earlier).
5. When editing eToken PRO Java 72K and ID Prime MD card types, click Add model settings, select the model, and click Add.
6. Set parameters for the selected model and click Save.
All previously added eToken PRO Java 72K and IDPrime MD cards to Indeed CM must be removed out and re-added to apply card filtering by model.
If the card model being added is not found, or if the model settings are not available, the default settings will be applied to the card.