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Indeed PAM Core

All URLs are specified in lowercase.

The json format does not allow comments in the file, so you must delete lines beginning with the characters "//"

You need to recycle Indeed.PAM.Core application pool after every change to the configuration file. You can do this in IIS Manager snap-in, or with powershell command 
Restart-WebAppPool Indeed.PAM.Core

URL example: https://pam.domain.local/pam/core
pam.domain.local - the fully qualified DNS name of the management server

Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\pam\core folder and edit appsettings.json file::


  • PamCore IPAMCore database connection string
  • JobsQueue - IPAMJobs database connection string

Connection String parameters

  • ServerDBMS server name or named instance
  • DatabaseDatabase name
  • User IDaccount to use with Database
  • Passwordaccount password

      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "PamCore": "Server=sql.domain.local;Database=IPAMCore;Integrated Security=False;User ID=IPAMSQLServiceOps;Password=password",
        "JobsQueue": "Server=sql.domain.local;Database=IPAMTasks;Integrated Security=False;User ID=IPAMSQLServiceOps;Password=password"

    If using a Named Instance of Microsoft SQL Server, the value of the Server parameter must be specified in the Server Name\\Named instance format.

    "PamCore": "Server=sql\\instance; ..."


Provider - DBMS provider

  • mssql - Microsoft SQL Server
  • pgsql - PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Pro


  • IdpUrls - Indeed PAM IdP URL address
  • ApiSecret - Secret for component authentication purpose

  • PamGatewayIpAddressesIndeed PAM Gateway and SSH PROXY IP Addresses

      "Auth": {
        "IdpUrls": [ "https://pam.domain.local/pam/idp" ],
    	"ApiSecret": "Nkq26+pScsle+rDZ4q77+bITcgFO1wKrCGBHa/EqsthQFn9p5K5TBHlEOJw1MGU1PVvjaNlWobxipvsAreQBNA==",
        "PamGatewayIpAddresses": ",",
        "GatewayCertificateValidation": {
          "Enabled": false,
          "Filter": ""

Секция Encryption

  • Algorithmencryption algorithm
  • Keyencryption key

The encryption key is generated by the IndeedPAM.KeyGen.exe utility, which is the part of the Indeed PAM distribution and is located in the /Misc directory.

  "Encryption": {
    "Algorithm": "AES",
    "HashAlgorithm": "SHA512",
    "Key": 	"4258egk74n834rr93bf458813l7618wq7f1jei9a58915pk511z63n5j0svt1m1o8",
    "MediaFiles": {
      "Algorithm": "AES"


  • Directorytemporary folder for recording events
  • Url - Indeed Log Server API URL address

      "LogServer": {
        "AppId": "pam",
        "Component": "server",
        "EventCache": {   
        	"Directory": "C:\\ILS",
        	"SendingIntervalSec": 10
        "Server": {
          "Url": "https://pam.domain.local/ls/api",
          "Certificate": {
            "Thumbprint": "",
            "FilePath": "",
            "FilePassword": ""


  • Urlmanagement console URL address

      "ManagementConsole": {
        "Url": "https://pam.domain.local/pam/mc"


  • ServerNameis the DNS name of Domain Controller that performs Global Catalog function
  • ContainerPathis the Distinguished name of Container or OU to be used as Active Directory user directory
  • UserNameservice account for working with Active Directory user directory
  • Passwordservice account password
"UserCatalog": {
    "RootProvider": "ad",
    "Providers": {
      "ActiveDirectory": [
          "Id": "ad",
          "ServerName": "domain.local",
          "ContainerPath": "DC=domain,DC=local",
          "UserName": "IPAMADReadOps",
          "Password": "password",
          "UserMapRules": {
            "Settings": [
                "Category": "person",
                "Class": "user"

  • No labels