Run the Indeed.AirKey.EnterpriseServer.msi from Indeed AirKey Enterprise installation package and complete the procedure, following the Wizard instructions. The following access control parameters are set automatically for Indeed.AirKey.EntServer site after server installation is complete:
Authentication: Anonymous authentication is enabled. Other methods are disabled.
SSL Settigs: Require SSL and Accept client certificates
Configure secure connection in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Configure the binding with port and certificate to access the AirKey server via HTTPS. To do this:
Switch to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
Select Indeed.AirKey.EntServer site and switch to Bindings... section
Select the binding to 3002 port
Click Edit...
Specify SSL certificate and click OK
3002 port is set by default. If you use another port, then you’d have to create and configure a new binding for it. Make sure that the port is open for incoming connections in firewall.
The certificate extended key should contain Server authentication value. It also has to be issued for the workstation name which is used in the connection address.