- Created by Pavel Golubnichiy, last modified on Jan 23, 2023
You need to recycle Indeed.LS application pool after every change to the configuration file. You can do this in IIS Manager snap-in, or with powershell command
Restart-WebAppPool Indeed.LS
Indeed Identity Log Server supports:
- Microsoft SQL Server
- PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Pro
- Syslog server (Plain, CEF, LEEF formats)
Event reading is supported from only one storage (<ReadTargetId>). Event writing is supported in several storages (<WriteTargets>) simultaneously.
Setting up reading and writing events in the DBMS
Microsoft SQL Server
- Go to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\targetConfigs folder, reate a copy of the file sampleDb.config and rename it to mssqlDb.config, then edit the file according to the settings below:
<Settings> … </Settings>:- Data Source - name of the Microsoft SQL Server or named instance of Microsoft SQL Server
- Initial Catalog - database name (ILS)
- User ID - service account for working with the database
Password - service account password
<Settings> <ConnectionString>Data Source=sql.domain.local; Initial Catalog=ILS; Integrated Security=False; User ID=IPAMSQLServiceOps; Password=Password</ConnectionString> </Settings>
If using a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server, the value of the Data Source parameter must be set in the format <server name>\<instance name>.
<Settings> <ConnectionString>Data Source=sql\Named instance; ... </ConnectionString> </Settings>
In the file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\clientApps.config edit the pam section for work with the mssqlDb.config file:
<Application Id="pam" SchemaId="Pam.Schema"> <ReadTargetId>mssqlDb</ReadTargetId> <WriteTargets> <TargetId>mssqlDb</TargetId> </WriteTargets> <AccessControl> <!--<CertificateAccessControl CertificateThumbprint="001122...AA11" Rights="Read" />--> </AccessControl> </Application>
Here, in the Targets section add a new element:
<Targets> ... <Target Id="mssqlDb" Type="mssql"/> </Targets>
PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Pro
- Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\targetConfigs directory, create a copy of the file sampleDb.config rename it to postgresDb.config, then edit the postgresDb.config file similar to the settings for Microsoft SQL Server.
<Settings> … </Settings>:- Host - name of the PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Pro or named instance of PostgreSQL
- Database - database name (ILS)
- Username - service account for working with the database
Password - service account password
<Settings> <ConnectionString>Host=sql.domain.local; Database=ILS; Integrated Security=False; Username=IPAMSQL; Password=Password</ConnectionString> </Settings>
In the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\clientApps.config file edit pam section for work with the postgresDb.config file:
<Application Id="pam" SchemaId="Pam.Schema"> <ReadTargetId>postgresDb</ReadTargetId> <WriteTargets> <TargetId>postgresDb</TargetId> </WriteTargets> <AccessControl> <!--<CertificateAccessControl CertificateThumbprint="001122...AA11" Rights="Read" />--> </AccessControl> </Application>
In the Targets section add a new element:
<Targets> ... <Target Id="postgresDb" Type="pgsql"/> </Targets>
Configuring Event Logging to Syslog
- Go to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\targetConfigs folder, create a copy of the file sampleDb.config and rename it to Syslog.config, then edit thefile according to the settings below:
<Settings> … </Settings>:- HostName -Syslog server name
- Port - Syslog port number
- Protocol - Syslog connection type: TCPoverTLS, TCP, UDP
- Format - logging format: Plain, CEF, LEEF
SyslogVersion - select syslog protocol: RFC3164, RFC5424
<Settings HostName="localhost" Port="5081" Protocol="TCP" Format="CEF" SyslogVersion="RFC3164" />
In the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\clientApps.config file edit pam section for work with the Syslog.config file. Add a new TargetId for the WriteTarget:
<Application Id="pam" SchemaId="Pam.Schema"> <ReadTargetId>mssqlDB</ReadTargetId> <WriteTargets> <TargetId>mssqlDB</TargetId> <TargetId>Syslog</TargetId> </WriteTargets> <AccessControl> <!--<CertificateAccessControl CertificateThumbprint="001122...AA11" Rights="Read" />--> </AccessControl> </Application>
In the Targets section add a new element:
<Targets> ... <Target Id="mssqlDb" Type="mssql"/> <Target Id="Syslog" Type="syslog"/> </Targets>
Setting up writing events both to the PostgreSQL and Syslog
- Go to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\targetConfigs folder, create files postgresDb.config, Syslog.config according to the instructions above.
In the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ls\clientApps.config file edit pam section
<Application Id="pam" SchemaId="Pam.Schema"> <ReadTargetId>postgresDb</ReadTargetId> <WriteTargets> <TargetId>postgresDb</TargetId> <TargetId>Syslog</TargetId> </WriteTargets> <AccessControl> <!--<CertificateAccessControl CertificateThumbprint="001122...AA11" Rights="Read" />--> </AccessControl> </Application>
In the Targets section add new strings for postgresDB and Syslog:
<Targets> ... <Target Id="postgresDb" Type="pgsql"/> <Target Id="Syslog" Type="syslog"/> </Targets>
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