A user smart card can be not used for logging into operating system. In this case, to unlock a card, use the Indeed CM  Unblock utility from Indeed CM Client Tools (Start – All Programs – Indeed Identity. Default path is %ProrgamFiles%/Indeed CM/IndeedCM.Unblock.exe).

The procedure of smart card unlocking with the Indeed CM  Unblock utility is identical to offline unlocking mechanism:

  1. Connect the smart card to the computer and run the utility.
  2. In the Challenge data field, the smart card unlock code appears, which must be reported to the Indeed CM operator. The operator may ask you for answers to security questions to confirm your identity and will report a new code. Enter it in the Unlock utility Response data field.
  3. Enter the New PIN, confirm it and press Unlock.
  4. After that, your smart card will be unlocked (the value of the Status field will become “The smart card is not locked”), and the PIN code will change to the specified one. Finish with Indeed CM  Unblock.

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