The Indeed CM Event Log Proxy component allows recording events from all Indeed Certificate Manager servers in a Unified Windows Event Log.

The component is installed on one of Indeed CM servers or on a separate workstation (in the domain or outside it). The system requirements for installing the component are the same as the Indeed CM server.

Follow these steps to install and configure Indeed CM Event Log Proxy:

  1. Sign in to the workstation as a local administrator.
  2. Run IndeedCM.EventLog.Proxy.msi installer (located in the server distribution directory).
  3. Open the eventLogProxy application configuration file: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\eventlogproxy\Web.config in the Notepad editor, run as administrator.
  4. In the <authorization> section, specify the account name for accessing the application. Use the Indeed CM service account for working with Active Directory (servicecm).
    Outside the Windows domain configuration, use the local user account (for example, SERVERNAME\Administrator).

    	<deny users="?" />
     	<allow users="DEMO\servicecm"/>
     	<deny users="*" />
  5. Save changes and close the configuration file.

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