The section displays summary information about Axidian CertiFlow with the ability to go to the corresponding sections of the system:
- License type
- Quantity
- In use
- Left
The common number of agents by status:
Number of agents connected to Axidian CertiFlow server:
- Active - agents who accessed the server in Axidian CertiFlow in the last 5 minutes.
- With cards - in the agent sessions, there is at least one card.
The number of tasks assigned to agents by their execution status:
- Idle - Execution pending (task waits for workstation with Agent to be on, connection of a smart card to workstation or previous task to finish).
- Running - Axidian Agent has started executing the task.
Number of cards by state:
- Issued
- Assigned
- Pending
- Disabled
Number of cards by content status (with expiring and expired certificates):
- Managed - certificates issued by means of Axidian CertiFlow.
- Common - certificates added to the card usage policy in .pfx format and written to the card.
- Traced - certificates issued and recorded on the card outside Axidian CertiFlow.
Number of cards requiring updating:
- Certificates - the set of Mandatory certificate templates has changed in the card usage policy.
- Switching of policy - the user's card usage policy has changed.
- Connectors data - the current card usage policy has enabled/disabled integration with Axidian Access.
Service certificates
Certificates issued for service accounts when configuring integration with Microsoft Certification Authorities.
Displays the number of users by state in the Axidian CertiFlow database with the ability to go to the advanced user search section:
- Locked in system- users who have exhausted attempts to answer secret questions while performing Online card unlocking or logging in to the Remote Self-Service.
- No answers to security questions - users who do not have the answers to security questions set.