Files of Indeed AM Passcode Provider reside in: indeed AM\Indeed AM Providers\Indeed AM Passcode Provider\<Version number>\

  • IndeedAM Passcode Provider.msi is the installation package of Indeed Passcode Provider.
  • /Misc folder contains policy templates.

About the Indeed Passcode Provider component

Indeed AM Passcode Provider is intended for user authentication with password defined on their own and for use in combination with Indeed AM products.

Indeed AM Passcode Provider requires Indeed AM Bsp Broker installed.

Files for Indeed Bsp Broker reside in: indeed AM\Indeed Providers\Indeed Bsp Broker\<Version number>\

  • IndeedAM.AuthProviders.BspBroker.x64.msi is the installation package of Indeed Bsp Broker.


  1. Install Indeed Passcode Provider by running IndeedAM Passcode Provider.msi installer.
  2. After the installation is complete, system restart might be necessary. If installer prompts for system restart - confirm the action.
  3. Product removal/restoring is performed by standard method of supported operating systems -via Control panel menu.

Configuring the authentication parameters

It is necessary to add the Indeed AM policy templates into the administration template list before starting to configure group policies. Policy template files are included into the installation package and can be found in the Misc folder.

Password storage settings

The policy enables storing of sha1 hash of  Passcode password instead of password value. If the policy is not defined or is disabled, then the password will be stored in its original form.

Settings of requirements to password

it is necessary to update the group policy for the policy changes to take effect. Use the  gpupdate /force command to update the group policy immediately.

The policy makes it possible to define the following requirements to Passcode password: 

  • Minimum length of password
  • Maximum number of character occurrences
  • Allowed characters (Latin letters, digits, special characters, user characters)
  • Minimum number of characters from a group

Maximum number of character occurrences can be limited in the range from 1 to 63, a value of 0 means no restriction is set.

Character groups:

  • Digits: 0-9
  • Lowercase Latin letters: a-z 
  • Capital Latin letters: A-Z
  • Special characters: . , < > / ? [ ] { } = + - _ \ | ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
  •  User character group (character is defined by user for each application separately)

If the policy is not defined or is disabled, then the password can contain digits and lowercase Latin letters only, and should be at least 6 characters long.

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