Indeed Certificate Manager data storage is a database. For maintenance of the system creating service account is required.
Open pgAdmin, enter master password and connect to server.
In Browser section right-click on the Login/Group Roles menu item
Select Create > Login/Group Role….
4. On the General tab in the Name field enter name of the role, for example - servicepg.
5. On the Definition tab enter your password in the Password field. No Expiry must be specified in the Account Expires field.
When you create a service account, you must disable password expiration.
6. Turn on the Can Login? parametr on the Privileges tab.
7. Leave rest fields with the defaults states and click Save.
Creation of the database.
The database is creates manually. It filles with the Storage-Postresql.sql script, which is part of the Indeed CM distribution kit (the script is located in the \IndeedCM.Server\Misc directory).
Create a database in the pgAdmin environment with an arbitrary name:
In Browser section right-click on the Database menu item.