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Tab defines the templates that are used to issue user certificates.


Make sure that the required templates are added to certification authority before starting to create certificate templates in the Indeed CM system.

Table 2 describes the settings of Microsoft CA certificate templates in the Indeed CM system. To create a certificate template, click Create certificate template, define the template parameters (see Table 2) and click Create.

Table 2 – Settings of Microsoft CA certificate templates in the Indeed CM system.

NameCertificate template name.
CACertification authority name.
Microsoft CA Certificate templateThis is loaded from the selected certification authority.
Key name prefix

If not defined, then the name of container with key pair is generated randomly. If prefix is defined, it is placed in front of the container name. The prefix value is displayed in third party software to work with private key container. Some smart cards might not support container names with prefix.

Backup key

If enabled, then encryption keys are generated at the Indeed CM server, saved to the system storage and written to the smart card. In case of smart card replacement, the keys from backup are simply written to a new smart cardthe option of archiving will be used in case of generating a key pair on the smart card. It means that the key pair will be generated on the smart card and its copy (public and private keys) will be sent to the Indeed CM Server and then to the data storage. It is possible to archive the key pair only once.
If disabled, then encryption keys are generated immediately at the smart card.

Reuse key

If enabled, the existing encryption key is re-used when updating the certificates written to the smart card.

Import key if exists

If enabled, the system would search for existing keys on the card (for the defined user, CA and template) and use found ones. New keys are not generated in this case.
If smart card is initialized before issuing, key import is impossible.

Do not remove key at card updating/clearing

If enabled, then when the card is updated, the expiring (expired) certificate will not be removed from the card and revoked to the CA. A new certificate with a new private key will be requested and written to the card.


If Reuse key option is enabled, the expiring (expired) certificate will be removed from the card when it's updated. A new certificate with the old private key will be requested and written to the card.


The expiring (expired) certificate will be deleted if the card is withdrawn with initialization.

Revoke certificate at card revoking/disabling

If enabled, the user certificates are revoked upon smart card revoking or disabling in Indeed CM.

If disabled, the user certificates are not revoked upon smart card revocation or disabling.

Install certificate to local store  If enabled, then when a smart card is issued (upgraded) via Self Service, certificates stored on it will be added to the user's local storage at the workstation.
Publish CRL

If enabled, then extra publication of CRL is performed upon device revocation, disabling or enabling.

Accept certificate request automatically

If enabled, the certificate requests are approved automatically. If disabled, request approval by CA operator is required for issuing a smart card.

Accept signed certificate renewal request automatically

If enabled, certificate renewal requests are approved automatically. If disabled, request approval by CA operator is required.

Tracked user attributes

Specify user attributes when changing which requires a certificate update:

  • Common name
  • E-mail
  • User principal name

Changing the E-mail leads to the renewal of the certificate if this attribute is included in the properties of the certificate template in Microsoft CA on the Subject Name tab of the Include e-mail name in subject name and E-mail name options.

Additional tracked user attributes are specified in the Indeed CM Setup Wizard under Tracked attributes.

Certificate request print template

If the parameter: Not set, then the standard certificate request print template is used.

If Certificate request print templates have been added to the system, select a template from the drop-down menu.

Certificate print template

If the parameter: Not set, then the standard certificate print template is used.

If Certificate print templates have been added to the system, select a template from the drop-down menu.


If enabled, the certificate is marked as default one to login to Windows XP operating system.

Optional certificate

If enabled, then you can select the certificates to be written to a smart card from the ones marked as optional, while issuing a card.

If disabled, the certificate issued with this template is considered as mandatory to be written to a smart card.

To create a certificate template click Create certificate template. Define the template name, certification authority, select the CA template from the list of available templates. Then set the required template parameters (see Table 2) and click Create. The system allows for creation of multiple certificate templates for a single policy (provided that these templates are not identical). You can view the list of the created templates in the Templates section of the selected policy.

To edit a template, select it and click  button. To remove a template from the policy, click.